Monday, June 24, 2019

Principles for effective Teaching (Presented By Mr.Botis of SMCM)

tasks and goals simultaneously and flexibly. The following small but powerful set of principles can make teaching both more effective and more efficient, by helping us create the conditions that support student learning and minimize the need for revising materials, content, and policies. While implementing these principles requires a commitment in time and effort, it often saves time and energy later on.

A Principles for effective teaching
* Vary instructional Methods
* Activity involved Students
* Empower students
* Work toward achievable learning outcomes.
* Provide adequate resources and motivation
* Focus on student learning rather than content.
* Self assess & assess student progress frequently.
* Evaluate student based on learning outcomes
* Maintain flexibility

Effective Instructor Traits
* Demonstrates concerns for learners
* Demonstrates knowledge of subject and teaching skills
* Demonstrates positive approachable personality
* Show professional Attitude
* Remains a role model for students core values / commitment to student learning.
* word toward meeting industry special skills standards
* uses feedback as a method to improve the teaching & learning process

Instructor Conduct
* is responsive & helpful to students
* avoids bluffing, sarcasm or ridicule
* Demonstrates patience
* Avoid Profanity
* Gestures, standing, sitting, circulating around room.
* Smiling, speaking louder and softer
* actively seeks out student input and questions
* consistently assess student learning.

Role of the instructor
* Orient & Instruct new students
* Assess effectiveness of instruction for students.
* Modify and adapt learning approaches to accommodate student learning
* Evaluate student learning and administer tests.
* Diagnose academic difficulties
* Review materials and select optimal resources
* Prepare for technical excellence.
* Demonstrate dedication and support for all students.
* Role model for workplace expectation
* co-learner with students.


"Being an effective teacher is much more than simply having the right materials. Effective teaching means maximizing communication and developing great presentation skills. While teaching involves innumerable skills and traits, a few basic principles can be distilled for the teacher in-training."

Learning results from what the student does and thinks and only from what the student does and thinks. Herb Simon quote

1 comment:

  1. Provide students with effective and accurate feedback...
